I am so excited about the conversations I will have, during our Summer Institute, with amazing people like Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Fr. Greg Boyle, Rev. Becca Stevens, Dr. Alexia Salvatierra, Dean Kelly Brown Douglas, Rev. Rudy Rasmus and many more. Take a sabbath and join me, Aug 3-13. You can register for one day or for the whole event or anything in between. Learn about creating social business/ministries from the founder of Homeboy Industries and Thistle Farm. Learn how to create a truly multicultural community from Evergreen. Learn about faith-rooted community organization from Alexia Salvatierra. If you are a student, you can do the whole thing for $40! The workshops throughout this time will cover many Gracious Leadership skills needed to live Grace and Truth in a Divided and Frightened World.
Summer Institute 2020 – FEAR NOT: Living Grace, Truth and Diversity in a Divided and Frightened World
In an increasingly polarized and fearful world, there are few places where people can have a reasonable and constructive dialogue about race relations and other important issues of our time. Summer Institute 2020 brings together spiritual leaders to provide insight and guidance and community leaders who want to see things differently to provide gracious time and place for truth-seeking dialogue that can achieve non-violent mutual understanding and learn tools to lead discussions that will lead to brave and gracious community.
August 3 – 13 (excluding Saturday and Sunday), Institute participants will meet online from across the nation each day.
Daily Schedule:
9 a.m. – Music, prayer and meditation
9:15 a.m. – Conversation with Spiritual Leaders and Q & A
10 a.m. – Workshop teaching KI skills and tools for creating inclusive community
11:15 a.m. – Closing prayer, things to ponder for the next day