Pledge Card for Truth
Why is truth part of being an awesome steward? Knowing the truth about myself – my financial situation, my personal resources such as emotions, skills, time, etc. – are key to how I can be generous in sharing my resources. Knowing the truth about my church community – its strengths, passions, resources in terms of place, leadership, relationships, etc. – will allow the community to be secure as they discern how to share their resources. Knowing and sharing the truth about the financial picture of a church community, connecting the money to the ministries that the money supports, will enable members of the community to give generously knowing the blessings for which the money exchanges. Knowing the truth about the needs and concerns in our neighborhood community will help the church direct their resources to support relevant and impactful ministries. Knowing the truth about the resources available in the neighborhood will open up possibilities for the church to access additional resources – time, money, place, leadership – to support the ministries of the church. Discerning the truth about what is happening to the earth, our island home, will help us learn to keep our natural resources flowing that respect and not harm the earth.
Answer the questions on the first page of week 30 of Drawing on Holy Currencies and you will have a better idea of how to complete the pledge card. You don’t have to figure out completely how to discern the truth about the issues you named. The following weeks’ activities will help you with this.
Name a personal or family issue of which you want to discern the truth:
Why is this important?
Name a church issue of which you want to discern the truth:
Why is this important?
Name a neighborhood community issue of which you want to discern the truth:
Why is this important?
Name an environmental issue of which you want to discern the truth:
Why is this important?
Color the pledge card and you will find the completion date that you need to fill in.
Find an Accountable Person (AP) for this pledge card. He/she can be the same AP you have been reporting to or the AP of the last pledge card but can be someone else. It would be fun to explain to a new AP what you are doing.
Make the pledge card unique and beautiful. Take a photo and send it to the person who oversees stewardship ministry in your community. If this person doesn’t know what it is, you will have the opportunity to explain to him/her what you (and your group) are doing.
Small group: Gather your group, share experiences of the last few weeks on the currency of truth and work on the pledge cards together. Remember to practice presenting the Respectful Communication Guidelines and use Mutual Invitation.
And don’t forget to share your experiences on social media using #holycurrencies.