Last month I got a request from a local church leader, who said, “We are nearing the traditional time for pledge campaigns and I was wondering if anyone has a ‘pledge card’ based on Eric Law's model.” October-November are usually what many churches call “stewardship season” at which time church members are asked to pledge financial support for the following year. Based on the Cycle of Blessings-Holy Currencies, I started to construct what a pledge card might look/sound like beyond asking for money. Here is what I came up with. This is a draft and many edits will be needed in order for them to be useful for local churches. Obviously, this is too much to put in one card. I prefer a year-round stewardship approach – perhaps, every two months, invite church members to pledge one of the currencies.
For the Currency of Relationship,
- I pledge to establish ____ new relationships outside my church, and
- I pledge to strengthen ____ relationships I have within the church.
For the Currency of Truth,
- I pledge to discover/discern the truth about ___________ for myself and/or my family.
- I pledge to discern the truth about _________________ in my church.
- I pledge to discern the truth about _________________ in my neighborhood, my town/city or my country.
For the Currency of Time,
- I pledge _____________ (hours) per week for ______________.(name of existing or new ministry in the church)
- I pledge _____________ (hours) per week for ______________. (name of existing or new ministry in the community/neighborhood)
For the Currency of Place,
- I pledge to renovate/beautify/refurnish ___________ (location of church property) for ___________. (name of existing or new ministry)
- I pledge _____________ (location I own) for ____________ (name of existing or new ministry) and
- I pledge to make ___________ (location I have influence over) available for ______________ (name of existing or new ministry)
For the Currency of Gracious Leadership,
- I pledge to participate in ________________ (name of leadership training programs) in order to become a more gracious leader in my church and/or the community, and
- I pledge to mentor and/or train _______ new leaders in my church and/or in the community to ____________________. (describe ministry role).
For the Currency of Wellness,
- I pledge to ______________ (name sabbatical activity) for my own physical wellness.
- I pledge to ______________ (name sabbatical activity) for increasing my social wellness with my family, friends and people in my community.
- I pledge to ______________ (name sabbatical activity) to enhance the ecological wellness of my neighborhood, my city/town and my country.
For the Currency of Money,
- I pledge $ ______________ for my church’s ministry.
- I pledge to raise $ _____________ from ________________ .(sources outside church membership) for ___________________. (name of existing or new ministry)
Upcoming Opportunities to Study with The Sustainist and learn more about Holy Conferencing: November 16-20, 2014 January 19-23, 2015 February 13-14, 2015 March 19-24, 2015 April 21-25, 2015 July 20-25, 2015 Register at: |
Reflection Questions for Proper 22 (Year A) Exodus 20:1-4,7-9,12-20 Psalm 19 Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm 80:7-14 Philippians 3:4b-14 Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21:33-46 |
Eric H. F. Law
Kaleidoscope Institute
For competent leadership in a diverse changing world